The author invites the reader to join him in a conversation that discusses current–day issues in the field of education. The dialogue examines the goals of education and its role in society. It goes into aspects of the production function of education and the characteristic traits it aims to produce in prospective students who will make up the prevailing citizenry of our society.Further, it lays out a program for preparing college students interested in becoming teachers. It takes a novel approach to educating and training teachers. It expands the training to the entire realm of school staff and educational personnel.Additionally, it engages the reader in discourse concerning the teamwork essential for delivering effective educational service from the national level to local levels. It suggests methods of evaluation and oversight to effect needed change in educational efficacy.Also, A New Educational Paradigm, Perspectives on Education talks about instruction that works, as it examines education delivery from the classroom viewpoint. It takes a detailed look at the current COVID–19 pandemic and its impact on educational processes. It makes an analysis of the various levels of government and their impact on educational processes in terms of the bottom line on the service levels to local communities. Finally, it completes the discussion by drawing relevant conclusions that serve to offer ideas for significant change in how education is produced in today's society.

A New Educational Paradigm: Perspectives on Education by Eric Frazier

About the Author
A New Education Paradigm, Perspectives on Education by Eric Frazier
Eric Frazier’s background in the field of Education encompasses the gamut of what an educational professional could experience in a career. He taught on levels from pre-school to college. He trained one third of the School District/Central Board Test Coordinator Liaisons in New York City Under
Then Director Ron Ladonne. He was the head of testing for preschoolers in the areas of cognitive ability, hearing and kinetic aptitude in the Brooklyn, New York School Districts of East New York, Brownsville, Bedford Stuyvesant and school-based testing in Crown Heights, Brooklyn. He worked in every New York City School District between his capacities as a Central Board of Education School Improvement Facilitator and Central Board School District Test Liaison, interfacing with hundreds of schools.
Eric was a master teacher who produced master teachers in his role as a Teacher Trainer and supervisor. He held such school-based positions as Pupil Personnel Coordinator, Dean, Teacher Trainer, Career Education Instructor, Chairman of the Discipline and School Safety Committees. Additionally, on the Junior High School level he taught Chemistry, Physics, Biology, ecology, General Science, Reading, Writing, Social Studies, Black American History and Public Speaking. On the High School level he taught Black American History after school and on the college level at Southern Illinois University, he was a Sensitivity Group Instructor and Teaching Assistant in the Black American Studies Program as well as the first University graduate in that area of study.
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